
This section helps you manage the visibility and accessibility of your campaign, ensuring it runs smoothly and reaches your audience effectively.

What is the Publish Section?

The Publish section in Gamify Route is where you manage the status and visibility of your campaign. This section allows you to publish your campaign, set its timing, and customize its URL.

How to Use the Publish Section

  • Navigate to the Publish Section:

    • From the main dashboard, select the campaign you want to publish.

    • In the left-hand menu, click on the Publish option.

  • Set Campaign Status:

    • There are four statuses for your campaign:

      • Live: The campaign is active and visible to participants.

      • Draft: The campaign is in preparation and not yet published.

      • Pause: The campaign is temporarily inactive.

      • Expired: The campaign has ended and is no longer active.

  • Set the start and End Date/Time:

    • To make your campaign live, set the start date and time and the end date and time.

    • Click on the Save button to apply these settings.

  • Access the campaign URL and QR Code:

    • Find your campaign's unique live URL and QR code in this section. These can be used to share your campaign with participants.

  • Edit Custom Domain:

    • If you have set up a custom domain and want to change it for your campaign, click on the Edit button to make the necessary changes.

  • Preview Campaign:

    • To preview how your campaign will appear to participants, click on the Preview button.

  • System Message:

    • There is a tab for System Messages where you can set messages to display error notifications for various scenarios:

      • Draft Mode: A message is shown when the campaign is in draft mode.

      • Pause Mode: A message is shown when the campaign is paused.

      • End Mode: A message is shown when the campaign has ended.

      • Interaction Limit Over: A message is shown when the interaction limit is reached.

For further assistance, please contact our support team at

Last updated